Much has happened since the last post, as things tend to do when multiple weeks pass by. We have gone and come from Tofino, Eme has changed yet again, Phil is working lots of nights and extra time, I remain in limbo with several things and juggling the others. We have had another gathering of the Knaughty Knitters (and this time my friend Jana was in attendance for the first time - she is calling it the Knit Spritzer!) and it all continues.....
I have been feeling the creative bug chomping at me, but usually at unfortunate times, so it is irritating - a little like a flea bite at the moment. I just keep scratching around it, hoping it will eventually go away. Not that I don't want to be crafty, but it is truthfully just one more thing to think about and I am not sure I have the room at the moment. I did enjoy starting a doll sweater for Eme's baby at knitting club and am happy that I am 2/3's complete, but fear it will wait a month for the other third.
I have embedded a few shots from Tofino, and we have more for your viewing pleasure on Flickr - which is not connected to the blog (sorry) and as I am technically challenged (despite the fact that I am teaching tech ed currently and attended a conference for the Computer Using Educators of BC {CUEBC} today) I am unable to do it so....
Try going here ,
I hope that works!

Just on the off chance that some big wig for a marketing company stumbles across my site and thinks that they can't go another minute without having these shots for their next add campaign, I am open to offers.
Until next time - and perhaps a perkier mood that is not clouded by a cold "hangover" and irritatingly stuffy nose...
hugs and kisses on the cheek (I wouldn't want any of you to catch this...)