She is also full of kisses, and not just when you ask her. She will pucker up at a moments notice and thrust her little pursed lips in your general direction looking for a smooch. It has got to be the cutest thing ever. I don't know anyone who would get tired of that game.
She is fast approaching the one year land mark and is turning into the discerning toddler. One day she only wants yogurt or toast and fruit, and then just when you think she won't eat another truly nutritious meal, she will surprise you (like last night) by eating (get ready for it....) macaroni and cheese, brocolli, chard, carrots, zuchinni, roasted potatoes, lamb, and watermelon. Wow!

Like any responsible parent I left her alone in the kitchen this morning while I put something away in the bedroom, and when I cam out I panicked initially because I couldn't see her..... this is where she was. Sitting in the cupboard beside the computer, that was left open when the reycling was taken out. She just thought this was great, so many new things to explore.
Another lesson learned.

That is about it for now, although I am sure if I really think about it I could probably write a whole lot more, but alas it is getting close to shut down for me. So I will leave something for next time.....

XOXOXO - from all of us (just imagine them a little wetter from Em's)OXOXOX
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