Monday, July 10, 2006

A tie over!

It has been far too long, but what can I say...summer weather is here, Eme is having shorter naps and my evenings are spent watering. I know there are plenty of bloggers out there that have all of this and more and still manage to post almost every day, but alas I am not one.

Eme is almost walking. She pulls up on everything and nothing, holds her balance moving up and down and has attempted a step or two, but is very leary. If she would just forget that she hasn't tried it, she would do it I am sure.

I regret to say that it will probably be as long or longer before my next post. We have a family gathering this weekend, a wedding next weekend and then a break I think. There will be lots to report, and I will surely take a few pics along the way. Lately I have been taking more shots with my Canon EOS, I love film. It does make it harder to share, perhaps next time I will get them on a CD as well.

A few pics of the little lady to tie you over, although I fear many of you have already seen them.
No birthday shots for me, sorry! There are two and they are both on happy days ahead. Love to all! XOX

Look at this face!!! Couldn't you just eat it up?!

I do believe there is a similar one of me and my Dad floating around out there.
Seaside perhaps, rather than poolside.


Anonymous said...

I'll miss little big noise over the next few weeks but I look forward to getting all the news. I, too, have been using my film camera more...a Canon Eos as well no less! Film really is great and you can always scan the pics to send. Lets get together soon and plan a date to visit Annie!

Anonymous said...
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