Sunday, January 21, 2007

Expanding Ones Attributes

It has been a long time since my last post and so to be sure that this is not too boring I shall use the opportunity to answer a "tag" that was passed to me by Muddy Yellow Dog.


1:: I will not leave the house without putting on mascara. I know it sounds vain (and there has been the odd exception), but as a rule I can't see myself the same way without it, so on it goes.

2:: I collect all manner of things - and my husband thinks all of this behaviour is weird, but the strangest thing I tend to collect is bizarre and borderline, well actually sometimes beyond tacky printed fabric - and I can never think of anything to do with it. And so it sits in large bins in my downstairs.

3:: I think that my dead great grandmother is my Guardian Angel. I have felt her presence and can smell her from time to time. (the strongest I ever felt her was after a near disastrous car accident when a Jeep swerved across the road and hopped the meridian sliding within a foot of my door - thanks Nana Payne!)

4:: Despite the fact that my husband and I can rarely communicate about anything without having to clarify the other persons meaning (we speak very differently) we often have the same thought at the same time which is confirmed most often by me stating the thought or asking a directly linked question - this happens on subject matter that is unrelated to prior conversations and can occur when we have not talked for hours)

5:: I hum incessantly. Sometimes it feels a little OCD-ish. I am not always aware of it and sometimes it is inappropriate. I can be caught at any given moment humming up a storm and I will often sing requests, and give mundane directives in my own little tunes.

6:: I was having trouble coming up with this last one - certainly not because there aren't enough weird things about me to talk about, but sometimes they are hard to think of, as I have grown quite accustomed to my own weirdness. So I asked Phil - and he thinks that 1) the fact that I used to eat "nit wit balls" as candy when I was a child on Saltspring Island is weird (very healthy balls made of carob, honey, peanut butter, sesame seed etc... you get the picture) and
2) my obsession with little white buns, cranberry sauce and white turkey the day after Christmas and Thanksgiving.

There you have it.... please feel free to inform me of any weird things you have noticed about me, who knows I might not even know about it yet. There is always room for expanding ones attributes n'est pas?



Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing ya weirdo! I say that with much love and affection being related and all. You have been witness to my many weird attributes! Cheers to being weird!

Anonymous said...


By the way, there is NOTHING weird about loving the boxing day turkey sandwich! Mine has to have Turkey, Stuffing (A Must!), Gravy, Cranberry.

Best meal of the year!

Stay Groovy,