Monday, March 26, 2007
I saved a worm today...
Em didn't see him and darted towards the scoop, her little feet barely missing his tiny body, fighting against the gravel and yearning for the wet cool grass. My heart jumped and I started to panic. Literally, I felt that feeling of tension that happens in your chest when someone or something (usually a loved one) comes fatefully close to serious injury.
The strange thing is I hesitated, not because I didn't want to save him, he most certainly deserved it and was working hard to gain his next shot at salvation. I imagined his feeling a sense of despair at the vastness of the gravel that surrounded him like the desert, reprieve was somewhere, but he was just to small to make it alone. I wanted to help him..... but I just didn't want to touch him.
I sucked it up scooped him up, like the hands of god, and re-set the path of his life in a few seconds. How did I get here he pondered, how is it that my fortune has changed in an instant, miracles do happen. I believe!
Yup, I saved a worm and I have to say I am feeling pretty good about it.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Instead of a dream house.....
This is not something I would normally share as they are generally in a terrible state of clutter and it would normally take me ages to find what I was looking for, even though I have a mental catalogue of everything. (No wonder I am tired a lot and have little brain power for other things if I am cluttering my brain with this kind of info.... ah I digress)
I am sharing now as FIL and I have recenlty spent a little time and money attempting to get more organized - and although I am realizing now that a before shot would highlight better out success, you can still get the idea.

My newly arranged appliance cupboard - previously these items were strewn about the kitchen in dark and hard to reach corners - and this cupboard area was a giant catch all.
This masterpiece is above my fridge - the ever underused area above the fridge with the antique china set from FIL's mom - that I have not had occasion to use, but once. It previosly took up the whole of this giant cupboard, but with a few handy shelf inserts I got it down to half and used the front for more contemporary platter storage.
And finally the "piece de resistance" our pull out pantry drawers. Literally a choir of angels sing each time we open this.... in fact the first day FIL requested I open it while having supper because it made him so happy. We are so strange. We also have a tupperware pull out drawer in the lower cupboard and, wonder of all wonders, we can actually find the lids now.
Lastly I leave you with The Emster on her new Radio Flyer Wheels. (Nice Duds hey Sar?? - look familiar?) If we could only get her to lose the soo soo. Pick your battles.
I will feel the love for my house again once the sun starts shining.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
:: notable ::
:: we have decided to cancel our planned trip to the UK - it was not an easy decision and one that was made for us, by unexpected expenses, those that come with owning a house, and although we could have put the trip on the credit card, it seems too daunting already, the idea of having to pay it off.
:: alas it was a lovely idea and fantastic while it lasted and not all is lost - Mom, Dad, Phil, Anna, Eme and I will be trying to plan a trip together in lieu, somewhere much closer to home.
:: I have been struck with illness as of late - going on two weeks now with a chest infection and cough to accompany. It is definitely on the mend, but I am getting rather sick of the tension that is resulting from the nagging hack - not to mention the $100 plus inhaler that the Dr. prescribed, makes one appreciate health and alternative medicine - that is another story all together.
:: Emelia is still amazing me with her constant ability to master tasks with one observation, making us acutely aware of everything we do, and sometimes too late and after the fact. She has many words in her repertoire - the usual Mama and Daddy, yup and NO ( a much favoured word) duck, truck, eooww (the sound a cat makes), vroom (car and truck and airplane noise), juice, tees (please), keys, tea, hot, tee (tree), down, uh uh uh (anything that is wanted immediately) - and I am sure more that I can't think of at the moment, but you get the idea.
:: spring break is coming and I am very ready for the break, or should I say change of pace - looks good for Phil to get some time of then as well, so it will be much needed and enjoyed trio time.
:: probably more to say, as it has been so long - but I am getting overtired and need to head for the pillow - if you have unanswered questions or queries, make a comment and I will post you and answer.
:: XO