Tuesday, April 03, 2007

in short

:: we have cut off our cable

:: Emelia hasn't slept through the night in a week (and we are losing our mind literally)

:: I am part of a teaching body of assistant directors for a school play with rehearsals
3 days a week

:: the sun has been shining for many days in a row and that is what is keeping us going

:: Eme got a hair cut - a few weeks ago, but news to you... a bob and so cute

:: Anna and I are on a month hiatus from spending - no new things till April 24th

:: I am still no smarter than I was before (despite the cable being cut off) Darn - I thought it might be that easy :)

1 comment:

Gin, Tonic and Me said...

Good for you! I'd love to cut off our cable, I am just too chicken and I think Andy would kill me!
