Monday, June 26, 2006

Bumper crop!

Well this little bowl of perfectly formed raspberries got me excited just a few days ago. I told Eme that I must love her a lot, because I gave most of them to her little mouth to try for the first time. What could be better than Grampa raspberries!?

I just got in from the garden tonight and it took me a little longer this time to get all of the ripe berries. Now I am really excited! I know the picture sucks, with the flash it was a blow out and without it is a bit blurry but you get the idea. It is about 2/3rds of a med sized bowl. Maybe 2 full pints worth and there are more coming! I didn't even cheat and pick the almost ripe ones too, just the really ripe ones. Look out mouth here they come!

Friday, June 16, 2006


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Am I too late?

I know I am a little late in joining in, but that is the week so far, see you tomorow for red.





Friday, June 09, 2006

Houston, I think we have a problem.......

I have always known that a thrift store can be a dangerous and tricky place, however I have never had this much trouble getting out alive. In the last week I have managed to rack up quite the collection of new things, mostly in the way of fabric, and some other unneccessary, but desired items. And so as therapy (in an effort to rid myself of some of the guilt) I thought I best share it with you. So here are samplings of what I have spent my money on lately.....

The fabric on the left is bright and fun and there is lots of it, middle is a pillow case I couldn't resist and on the right a fab table cloth in mint condition.

These are all pillow cases. The one on the left I am imagining as a dress for Eme and the middle and right are going on the bed down stairs.
On the left is a twin size vintage flat sheet in heavy cotton that will hopefully become a duvet cover for Eme's toddler bed (I know, I know...) the middle is also a sheet for the same bed and I got 2 matching pillow cases, and the right are pillow cases that I can see turning in to one of the fabulous pieces for a patchwork log cabin pillow a la a Bird in the Hand .

Left is a pillow case ( I know, but there were so many exceptionally nice pillow cases...), the middle in an apron and the right is an old curtain, with some parts lovely and faded and others rich and clear.
This is 3 yards of the wackiest fabric you have ever seen, and I am going to try a bleach some of it to see how it looks "aged" - and you may just see it in a prominent place in my home some time soon....
And who could resist this Holly Hobby, ahh this is a childhood memory in a bed sheet.

And now for the enamel ware that I couldn't pass up. Above is a mug with a lid, but it is the size of a canister, very cool.

Three shallow bowls that I had to have...

And a serving tray that is about 24 inches across in celadon green.

This 3 piece spanish childrens set was a no brainer, such a fun gift (if it makes it that far).

And finally a little taste of something I have been working on....... I actually have 3 canvases on the go and a water color....WOW look out!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Temptation and torture, plus more...

So I have recently started a self enflicted diet that does not include wheat or dairy. After discussions with my cousin and Mom, I realized that the best way to try to clear up my excema was to give the wheat free, dairy free thing a go. This is particularily hard for me as I am the queen of yogurt - need a snack? have some yogurt. want a quick meal? have some yogurt. looking for a nice condiment for curry or need something to make a dip? try some yogurt. Oh me oh my. It wasn't as hard as I thought for the first few days, but then I started to run out of ideas and my palette was screaming at me. Not to mention my completely altered digestive system. The wheat thing is not so hard, there are lots of substitutes, but the dairy? Regardless - I did have to pass up some delicious looking bread at Sarah's yesterday.
So here I have pictured the "meal" I made my Hubby the other night. Who knew that temptation and torture could be embodied in a Grilled Cheese Sandwich? I didn't have one bite though, not a morsel of cheese while making it, not a snip of the finished product.... but man I wanted it. I am not even that big of a fan, often they leave me feeling heavy and bloated. But I really wanted this one. I had tofu and rice and salad. Not a bad meal and I took a picture of it too, but Eme won out in the battle of the picture post (I can only do 5 at a time and don't have time for another download.). Any ideas of there for fabulous recipes etc... it is amazing how many things you can eat without touching wheat and dairy, but there are so many things that I am used to that I just can't have these days. Tonight is salmon, yam fries and chard - good, non?

And now for something completely different....
Our little smooge after a run in with the towel, does it get any cuter that this? Not until the next photos session right?
She was so ready to have her picture taken, she was practically posing for us. Ahh the diva within. I know I say this all the time, but she is changing so much, I guess that is what happens for the first few years at least. I just can't get over it sometimes.

And of course a few shots with the parents....we get in the pictures every now and then.

I just love how she is holding on to his thumb and hand for support. They had so much fun playing together on this particular morning. She is so much more interactive when you play with her now, she is always egging you on and "cracking" jokes. What a sweetheart.

Now does anyone have any great ideas for a 1 year old birthday present? I have to get/make come up with two by the 17th. The price for one is $25-30 and the other is $10. I am hoping to get them all for less that one and have it look like more. My favorite trick ever!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sunny... sunny.... so good for me.....

Thought that I should do a little post about my now, psuedo in shape garden. As you can see from the first image it was looking rather lush. The problem with this is that I hadn't planted anything yet this year. The very large bushes are in fact the parsley border that my Mom and I planted last year. And there are a few volunteer flowers, like the 4 foot tall bachelor's buttons. The bronze fennel is enormous already and the raspberries are going gang busters. So here it is before...

And after a few hours of work in the afternoon sun.
As you can see I left the flowers for now. How can you rip out flowers?! I planted 3 tomato plants - two cherry and one reg. Some radishes, beets, beans, peppers, and despite their tragic showing last year, carrots. Oh yeah and some mesculin mix for salad. I think I will add some lettuce, and zuchinni and maybe some cukes too. Also in todays plantings.... a nastursium border along the rock wall in front of the Japanese maple. A little splash of colour.

The raspberries, from my Grampa, are doing so well this year. I put them in last year and got a small but tasty crop. This year they are all over the place, buzzing with bees and blossoms and fruit. There are so many new shoots they are overtaking that side if the garden. I don't mind though, makes me feel good that Grampa's raspberries are happy at my house!

And here they are up close in all there glory. For those of you that didn't have the pleasure of meeting my paternal Gramps, he was a true gentleman. Soft spoken, strong willed and opinionated when he felt the need - and a great gardener. He was the king of the razzle dazzle berries and man did we ever appreciate all of his hard work. He grew the berries, my Grannie transformed them some how and we ate them - fresh, in a pie or the all time family favorite; Grannies raspberry jam. This stuff is like gold. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on some, you make it last, try not to spend it all in one place and don't tell your friends or neighbours about the stash unless you are a fool. Maybe this year I will try my hand at making my own. Although there will be no comparison, ain't nothing like the real thing baby!

What a good team Grannie and Grampa were, growing and creating together - I think I may have to see if FIL wants to learn how to make jam, since I am growing the berries!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Somtimes I wonder.... it can get any sweeter than these.
Dad and I went for a visit up the coast yesterday and Eme was her usual charming self. She wooed everyone, not acting cranky or tired, despite the fact that she was. She offered hugs and kisses on demand and even managed to pul of a perfectly timed wave bye bye. Yes , yes I am truly blessed, we are truly blessed.

This made "one old lady" very very happy! Great Grannie Jean and Emelia Jean - it just doesn't get any better than this!