This is the little Miss being a little miss. In case you were wondering the stuff hanging off her waist at the back is a camisole and a bra - and we didn't help her put them on. She also made her way in to my closet and chose a very flashy pair of heels to finish off the outfit. One of her new favorite activities is to wear our shoes, and I mean she really puts them on and walks around.

Just a sweet shot of her after playing on our bed last Saturday morning. She and Daddy were playing hide and go seek in the covers.

A favorite of mine - getting caught red handed trying to grab some juice boxes left here by her cousins.

Eme "the Artiste" - she loves to draw and does some everyday at daycare. I gave her a golf pencil and an excercise book the other morning and she went to town. So great! Next is the easel and washable markers.

In case I haven't mentioned it I now have two continuing jobs - at two schools. One is afternoons 5 days a week at a middle school (grades 6,7 & 8) teaching tech ed (basically perspective drawing and an simlified computer assisted drawing program) and the other is 3 mornings a week at an elementary school as a librarian. So both are great, although very different. Both staffs are amazing which makes it much easier. This will be great for this year and will also set me up nicely for next year... not to mention that it looks like my days of 5:30 am call outs are over. Yippee!
Love to all - I will try and post very shortly after the traditional Thanksgiving Long Beach weekend.
Happy Thanksgiving
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