Eme has been not well these past few days, getting hit pretty hard with a nasty cold. We have affectionatly dubbed her the Snot Monster. She seems to be on the mend, but it is definately not fast enough for any of us.
Hallowe'en has past and our little cow girl had a blast. We had a hat, but it wasn't a big hit so we mostly went without. Cute none the less.

I was going to say she is a little more like her Aunty Anna than me, but I now recall that I used to be one heck of a dress-er-up-er-er.

This is the Daddy side of her - striking a rather intimidating New Zealand style rugby pose. Very well played.

A rather sleepy Miss - in between parties she slept for a sound hour and 45 - in the car. And very peacefully I might add. Hoping to have some quality family time tomorrow and then back to the grind I suppose.

Sounds busy...miss you guys! I'll call you soon..maybe the connection will be better this time!?
Do we have another Ashonlae in the making? So cute!
Put Eme in a little Sean John jacket with a pair of phat laced Adidas and I'd say she's striking a b-boy pose in that picture.
Pure gold.
Peas and Luv,
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