Thursday, November 23, 2006

You may have gathered.......

Life is a little consuming these days. That is not to say that there isn't time for anything, but I am clearly finding it difficult to find the time, inspiration and state of mind to sit down and contribute to the quickly dwindling entries here at Little Big Noise.

We are fine, Phil is working a lot and late, Eme is still fun and a joy to be with and can eat up and hour or two, packing it into what seems to be her hollow leg. I am finding that my jobs are demanding more of me, as is typical for this time of the year and by the time we are home, fed and watered, bathed and Eme is in bed, I am capable of planting myself on the couch, or in bed, and that is about it.

Phone calls seems to require too much energy, or perhaps more truthfully an attentiveness that I am incapable of - I will occasionally read, but again concentration is required so that I don't have to read the same few pages again the next time I manage to pick it up.

It sounds bleak after re-reading, but it is not. Eme and I are having a ball playing together at night and she is enjoyable to be around a watch, observe and soak up. I read a statistic that says the average adult laughs 15 times a day vs. a child that will laugh 400 time in a day. Eme is helping me to bring up my quotient and throw the the stats askew.

I don't have a pic to accompany - sorry they are few and far between these days. I am sure there is one, but that would require looking as one isn't springing to mind.

I will spring one on you when you least expect it.


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