Here she is at her favorite play spot these days, the tupperware cupboard. So many things to entertain!

Just having too much fun in the bath with Dad! She is such a doll, so inquisitive and so willing to try everything new. We lucked out! Of course it is the exceptional parenting that is really to credit for such an great kid! (wink)

There is the obligatory eating shot. This one is her attempting to conquer a teething bicuit and although it looks like it is getting the better of her, she won in the end.

And finally, my new favorite shot. Usually I put her in a onesie, but on this day she had soaked it and so as we were staying in I just threw on a t-shirt. Well, what a new experience! Being able to pull up on her shirt was so much fun she ended up pulling off one of the all time great hockey moves on herself. She was sitting in the middle of her blanket, shirt over, head flipping back and forth, saying Ahh Ahhh AHH. I just started to laugh and that is when she fell over. Phil thinks the funniest thing about this shot is that I took the time to go and get the camera and take the picture before I came to her rescue. BAD MAMA, BAD! But so funny!
As for the rest of our lives.... what rest of our lives. She is it! Not that I am complaining though. I will hopefully make it down to the new craft room some time soon. Sad that it is finally there and I don't get to use it very often. Although I do have a few things on the go and am loving that I don't have to clean them up.
We had another meeting of Knaughty Knitters this past Monday, and I got to go sans Eme. It was such a different experience. I didn't have to wear a nursing bra and I got to put on hoopy earings! Ah the little things in life! Phil said she was great and went down no problem. So nice, look out Phil, Mama's got her groove back! I managed to fix a hole in a darling little sweater that I used to wear when I was little, so that Eme can wear it too. I think I will have to make an embellishment to cover the darning job though. A few flowers perhaps.
It was lovely to get to start and finish a conversation. Although I must admit that I had a few panic moments re: diaper changes and feeding times, thinking that I was forgetting to tend to the mistress, but then realizing she wasn't there. Sorry to all of the Aunties who wanted a love!
I must go as we are hosting the Thursday walking group, and I must put on airs. Removing the cat hair from every fabric surface, picking the puffed rice from every nook and cranny, preparing the healthy and not so healthy home made snacks - generally becoming the super mommy that I know I can be! Actually they are great and wouldn't care either way, but there is something about people coming over for the first time that makes you want to put your best foot forward.
Hugs till next time...