Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What a weekend.

A belated Happy Easter to all of you who I didn't see over the weekend. It sounds as if all were well fed and entertained over the holiday. I know we were.

We left on Friday morning to go to Saltspring Island to visit my parents and brother. My sister, Anna, came with and we had an uneventful travelling day. We arrived around noon and had a great visit, followed by our Easter dinner, as not everyone could make it on the traditional day. Lamb, roasted potatoes, kale and leeks, carrots, and lemon meringue pie a la Anna for dessert. So tasty. We, like so many, were washed out on Saturday. This was particularily annoying as it was the first Saturday market of the season, and it was hard to enjoy while getting drenched. Ah West Coast weather is so unpredictable. I spent a good amount of time being cold as I had only packed sunny weather clothes.

Sunday morning we headed to Victoria to visit with FIL's family and then home by 6 ish. It was nice to get in a quick visit. The best part was Eme's laugh. Phil's mom mamaged to get Eme going in a full on laughing fit. This is not the first time she has managed this. What is your secret Gran? She was laughing so much she had tears in her eyes, and so did we. This has got to be the best sound in the world. I wish I could bottle it, it would be the best medicine ever!

Yesterday was great, lots of yard work and gardening, sun and a visit from a friend. It felt like a Sunday (my favorite day of the week incidentally).

As an unfortunate addition, it seems that our little one has come down with a cold. She was a bit feverish last night, and was wakeful through the night. She is on her second nap of the day and it is only 12:19. Poor thing. Amazing to me is how good she is even when she is feeling like crap. A little cranky, but mostly just wants some love. Who can blame her.

Pictures to come of more weekend fun, when I manage to find them....

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