::I can't believe it has been a week already since my last post. I must admit, now that the weather is nicer I am spending less time indoor and subsequently less time on the computer.
::I have been taking photos lately, but have gone back to my manual camera for a spell, something about getting the film in your hands and experiencing the waiting process again that seems vaguely romantic.
::I know I have said this before, but I really think Eme is teething now, REALLY! At least I am hoping that she is because it would be a nice way to explain the inexplicable crying out in the night, and mild rash around her mouth and sudden clingyness. This coupled with her having a little separation anxiety is making for a fun week. Not that I am officially complaining, because that would be wrong of me. She still is such a good girl and is very easy all things considered.
::Phil jokes that this might be our only one, because he doesn't see how it can get better than this. I fear he may be right. My theory, however, is that it would be wrong not to, as we could get another just like her!
::I have not been having very restful sleeps as of late. Not sure why, but am feeling a little anxious these days and actually had a nightmare the other night that caused me to call out in my sleep. BIZARRE! I don't know if I have ever done this before. I am trying to excercise lots to get rid of extra energy and eat well etc... but it isn't doing the trick. I get a few good hours a night, don't get me wrong, but not a full night, and I am a girl who likes her 8 hours at least.
Alas, I am off right now to try and meet a few fairies and get them to sprinkle a little dust in the eyes.
::PS it has been pointed out that my editing is rather shabby and I appologize for that and any errors I have made in the past and will make in future, perfection is not to be had when time is at a premium or fog is in the brain::
1 comment:
Um, I believe that I have the same editing problem that you have!!!
It's hard to worry about the details when we are expressing ourselves by type!!!
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