Saturday, May 27, 2006

A little more, a little less...

:: Have I ever mentioned how much of a love hate relationship I have with computers? I just finished typing up a very sweet entry and I don’t know what I did, but some how it just vanished, and I mean POOF! So I will attempt to recreate what I can, but the moment is lost and this version will be no where near as cute as the first I fear.

What I was doing previously was waxing about friendships. And I know that all of you who read this blog can attest to the value of a good friend. There is no greater gift (kids aside) than a friend who really gets you. I have had a string of bad days over here, and that is all I will be saying about that. Why dwell? (sometimes I can’t help it, but today I am trying) Anyways, after sharing a rendition of my own personal hell with one of these friends and being reassured of course that I am not alone, nor a wretched human being, I received a strange phone call. The man on the other end was of Asian decent, and I mention this only because it played heavily in to my confusion. He talked about a delivery – flowers from Jana (he pronounce it J na) I feebly confirmed my address and then hung up in a daze, but full of intrigue. After a few minutes it dawned on me that it may in fact be Jana pronounced Yana, who had sent flowers, so I waited. Now Jana’s wise advice for a cure to my self loathing was to get myself a healthy dose of chocolate. My door bell went and there was the smiling man with the beautiful bouquet of fire tipped freesia and red gerbera daisies. The card read “Chocolate on stick”. Yum I thought and after unwrapping the flowers searched the stem for the promised chocolate. Hmm nothing. Moments later I erupted in laughter, realizing that with the combo of an ESL card writer and Jana’s sense of humour I was in fact meant to receive “Chocolate on a stick”, hence the flowers. This was just what I needed to help boost my mood. Perhaps I have not done it justice in my retelling, but trust me, if it was you – it would be funny.

Ah so that coupled with a trip to IKEA, and too much singing and dancing our way through the market place, purchasing nothing of consequence and I am mostly back to my old self.

Now for what you really came for…. Pictures of Eme. One with Dada, one with Gran some with Mama and a few “on her own”…ENJOY! ::

My first mother's day, classic Eme face..
As Grampa says, wetting her fingers for her fast ball....
I look cute in this one I think so ... good enough right?
Gran, with another classic Eme face....
Working with Dad...
Little sweetness...
FIL freaked when he saw this...."Oh my, can you see what she will look like when she is 16?" he said
My nice wet slobbery Eme kiss, I know you are all jealous right now!
What can I say, BEAUTIFUL!


Anonymous said...

Oh,oh oh...I can't wait to visit. I can feel the yearning in my heart.

Anonymous said...

Adorable...both of you!