:: Have I ever mentioned how much of a love hate relationship I have with computers? I just finished typing up a very sweet entry and I don’t know what I did, but some how it just vanished, and I mean POOF! So I will attempt to recreate what I can, but the moment is lost and this version will be no where near as cute as the first I fear.
What I was doing previously was waxing about friendships. And I know that all of you who read this blog can attest to the value of a good friend. There is no greater gift (kids aside) than a friend who really gets you. I have had a string of bad days over here, and that is all I will be saying about that. Why dwell? (sometimes I can’t help it, but today I am trying) Anyways, after sharing a rendition of my own personal hell with one of these friends and being reassured of course that I am not alone, nor a wretched human being, I received a strange phone call. The man on the other end was of Asian decent, and I mention this only because it played heavily in to my confusion. He talked about a delivery – flowers from Jana (he pronounce it J na) I feebly confirmed my address and then hung up in a daze, but full of intrigue. After a few minutes it dawned on me that it may in fact be Jana pronounced
Ah so that coupled with a trip to IKEA, and too much singing and dancing our way through the market place, purchasing nothing of consequence and I am mostly back to my old self.
Now for what you really came for…. Pictures of Eme. One with Dada, one with Gran some with Mama and a few “on her own”…ENJOY! ::

Oh,oh oh...I can't wait to visit. I can feel the yearning in my heart.
Adorable...both of you!
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