Saturday, February 25, 2006
4 things that made me happy...
4 things that made me happy yesterday
1 - putting my daughter in pattern and colour combinations that I don't have the guts to pull off myself (i love how babies can wear anything and look put together)
2 - the sunlight and its effects on my surroundings - the first thing that caught my eye was the light reflecting off the water in the backyard and dancing on my dining room ceiling (but that was too hard to photogaph, and then I saw the light hitting the orchid in my bathroom and voila a photo opportunity (although much more spectacular in person)
3 - noticing an elderly gentelman walking on the sidewalk putting something white into his mouth and realizing seconds later that it was in fact his teeth
4 - having someone make me lunch - I spent the afternoon with 6 other moms and babes having a delightful lunch and ensuing chats and winning two "door prizes" for having the longest labour and the biggest baby at birth - ah the rewards just keep on coming ( and so did the oohs and ahhs, both from amazement and pity)
and for today...too many things to mention, but I will start with waffles for breakfast, puttering around the house and late afternoon gelato, coffee and a walk with the promise of snow - FABULOUS!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
little window in....
4 jobs i have had (it would be easier to list 4 I haven't had)
teacher (k-12 and every subject you can imagine)
nanny (for 3 families all of whom had girls named Sophie - weird)
barista (at the same time as nannying and going to school)
"do it all" at an RV park (with my now hubby)
4 movies i love
the princess bride
so i married an axe murderer
garden state
anything that makes me cry - truthfully i am not an avid movie watcher, at least not enough to remember any more than 3, but if you mention one i might have an opinion
4 places i have lived
saltspring island
north vancouver
port coquitlam
(all in beautiful british columbia)
4 place i have vacationed
tofino, bc (my current favorite)
pinner, england
almeria, spain (well most of europe really)
the interior of bc (very fun car camping here)
4 tv shows i will rush dinner for
24 (just got addicted this season)
the o.c. (i know, saying it out loud makes me ashamed - it must go back to the 90210/melrose/days of our lives part of my personality)
oprah (always good for a cry or a tidbit of life saving info)
4 albums i can listen too over and over and over again
joni mitchell - blue
alison krause - forget about it
michael franks - the art of tea
and lastly anything by chicago, foreigner, toto and the like (good lung stretching tunes)
4 of my favorite things to eat
pie (yup, just about any kind will do)
thanksgiving dinner (not the same as christmas, must be the atmosphere that does it)
salad (also any kind will do)
corn on the cob
4 plus 1 sites i visit daily (there are way more than this...)
muddy yellow dog
fred and toots
bird in the hand
superhero journal
soulemama (a new favorite)
4 places i would rather be right now
anywhere with my hubby and babe
chestermans beach, tofino
pinner, england
sitting in my pool in the summer sun with a bevie and a trashy mag
4 things on my to do list ( i was just saying last night how i need one of these)
sing in a radio/tv commercial or any kind of studio recording
take more wedding photos - heck take more photos all together
pursue my creative talents (and figure out a way to exploit them for money)
get a body like elle macpherson (by the time i am the age she is now - 41 i think)
the 4 people i would have tagged have already been tagged so if you haven't're it
So much to say...
This is the start of my room. I haven't done much organizing as of yet, but I have made something already, which is amazing. I sewed up a baby sling this morning with Eme sitting on the spare bed playing, and the best part was, everything I needed was right there and I didn't have to clean up the sewing machine in order to have a meal! WOW. It is in it's infancy at the moment, but I can't wait to crowd the walls with inspiration and art on the go, ideas and wishes and pictures and whatever I want. As a whole the space looks so much better. New light carpet and fresh walls. It is so much brighter in there with out the brown shag and green paint. Ah but for the brick everywhere it is pretty perfect. And soon to have a piano.....
As it stands my desk is make shift, using and old metal medicine cabinet salvaged from a nursing home down the road, our filing cabinet and a sheet of painted MDF for the desk top. But it is smooth and white and a thing of beauty to me. And I have a place to put my vintage chair that was purchased simply because it was turqiose.
And this is just because.... I find it so fun and such a reflection of my life at the moment. They both sit on my kitchen window sill, the little succulent I just brought in from the back yard where it had rotted a bit and needed pruning, and the stacking cups are Eme's play toys for her baths in the kitchen sink - which are not as prevalent these days. She is so big and likes to splash so we have her in the big bath most nights. It reminds me not to try to hard, not to worry about the "look" of the house too much and to just enjoy the new life all around.
I have been tagged by Muddy Yellow Dog and will attempt to get to my version of 4 things promptly - I must say that I love this...a window into peoples lives and preferences, and I love love love reading everyone I can find. (please note the link provided.... I think I might finally be getting the hang of this blog thing)Friday, February 17, 2006
Subject, What subject?
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
The best Valentine's ever
Sunday, February 12, 2006
I have just had to fix a problem with a previous post and so am re-doing these last two posts, but the magic is just not the same. However I could not deprive my mass of loyal followers the pleasure of an EME UPDATE. I am pleased with myself as I have jsut discovered how to include more than one picture at a time within the same post. I know, how could I have not known this previously? Well I was posting all of my images through Picassa and it will only let you post one at a time, however if I had been smart enough to read the help section earlier I could have saved a lot of frustration. C'est la vie. Much more to come, but not now....
Valentine's cometh early
Thursday, February 09, 2006
just can't help myself
When you come to visit - if you do, I think you will appreciate the transformation, I will try and dig up a photo of the before and will definately show you the after in progress and hopefully a few of the things that get created down there.
Until then, some cuteness to carry you through.