here it list of 4 things
4 jobs i have had (it would be easier to list 4 I haven't had)
teacher (k-12 and every subject you can imagine)
nanny (for 3 families all of whom had girls named Sophie - weird)
barista (at the same time as nannying and going to school)
"do it all" at an RV park (with my now hubby)
4 movies i love
the princess bride
so i married an axe murderer
garden state
anything that makes me cry - truthfully i am not an avid movie watcher, at least not enough to remember any more than 3, but if you mention one i might have an opinion
4 places i have lived
saltspring island
north vancouver
port coquitlam
(all in beautiful british columbia)
4 place i have vacationed
tofino, bc (my current favorite)
pinner, england
almeria, spain (well most of europe really)
the interior of bc (very fun car camping here)
4 tv shows i will rush dinner for
24 (just got addicted this season)
the o.c. (i know, saying it out loud makes me ashamed - it must go back to the 90210/melrose/days of our lives part of my personality)
oprah (always good for a cry or a tidbit of life saving info)
4 albums i can listen too over and over and over again
joni mitchell - blue
alison krause - forget about it
michael franks - the art of tea
and lastly anything by chicago, foreigner, toto and the like (good lung stretching tunes)
4 of my favorite things to eat
pie (yup, just about any kind will do)
thanksgiving dinner (not the same as christmas, must be the atmosphere that does it)
salad (also any kind will do)
corn on the cob
4 plus 1 sites i visit daily (there are way more than this...)
muddy yellow dogfred and tootsbird in the handsuperhero journalsoulemama (a new favorite)
4 places i would rather be right now
anywhere with my hubby and babe
chestermans beach, tofino
pinner, england
sitting in my pool in the summer sun with a bevie and a trashy mag
4 things on my to do list ( i was just saying last night how i need one of these)
sing in a radio/tv commercial or any kind of studio recording
take more wedding photos - heck take more photos all together
pursue my creative talents (and figure out a way to exploit them for money)
get a body like elle macpherson (by the time i am the age she is now - 41 i think)
the 4 people i would have tagged have already been tagged so if you haven't're it