Saturday, February 25, 2006

4 things that made me happy...

I intended to post this yesterday as that was when the moments struck, but the day got away from me and.....alas here I am

4 things that made me happy yesterday

1 - putting my daughter in pattern and colour combinations that I don't have the guts to pull off myself (i love how babies can wear anything and look put together)
2 - the sunlight and its effects on my surroundings - the first thing that caught my eye was the light reflecting off the water in the backyard and dancing on my dining room ceiling (but that was too hard to photogaph, and then I saw the light hitting the orchid in my bathroom and voila a photo opportunity (although much more spectacular in person)

3 - noticing an elderly gentelman walking on the sidewalk putting something white into his mouth and realizing seconds later that it was in fact his teeth

4 - having someone make me lunch - I spent the afternoon with 6 other moms and babes having a delightful lunch and ensuing chats and winning two "door prizes" for having the longest labour and the biggest baby at birth - ah the rewards just keep on coming ( and so did the oohs and ahhs, both from amazement and pity)

and for today...too many things to mention, but I will start with waffles for breakfast, puttering around the house and late afternoon gelato, coffee and a walk with the promise of snow - FABULOUS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely little striped bottom!