This is the start of my room. I haven't done much organizing as of yet, but I have made something already, which is amazing. I sewed up a baby sling this morning with Eme sitting on the spare bed playing, and the best part was, everything I needed was right there and I didn't have to clean up the sewing machine in order to have a meal! WOW. It is in it's infancy at the moment, but I can't wait to crowd the walls with inspiration and art on the go, ideas and wishes and pictures and whatever I want. As a whole the space looks so much better. New light carpet and fresh walls. It is so much brighter in there with out the brown shag and green paint. Ah but for the brick everywhere it is pretty perfect. And soon to have a piano.....
As it stands my desk is make shift, using and old metal medicine cabinet salvaged from a nursing home down the road, our filing cabinet and a sheet of painted MDF for the desk top. But it is smooth and white and a thing of beauty to me. And I have a place to put my vintage chair that was purchased simply because it was turqiose.
And this is just because.... I find it so fun and such a reflection of my life at the moment. They both sit on my kitchen window sill, the little succulent I just brought in from the back yard where it had rotted a bit and needed pruning, and the stacking cups are Eme's play toys for her baths in the kitchen sink - which are not as prevalent these days. She is so big and likes to splash so we have her in the big bath most nights. It reminds me not to try to hard, not to worry about the "look" of the house too much and to just enjoy the new life all around.
I have been tagged by Muddy Yellow Dog and will attempt to get to my version of 4 things promptly - I must say that I love this...a window into peoples lives and preferences, and I love love love reading everyone I can find. (please note the link provided.... I think I might finally be getting the hang of this blog thing)
I'm all for brick & plastic! You're room is coming along nicely...with the neutral carpet & walls it allows for those wonderful things like THAT CHAIR to really take centre stage.
How on earth did I miss this post?? Here I've been waiting for pics of your craft room and it turns out you posted about this ages ago. Where the heck have I been? Love it by the way, and love what you said about just enjoying life, not worrying about the "look" of the house (although your house could be a complete mess and I'd still see your awesome decorating/ style skills, you are very talented this way). yes, I'm inspired to lose the green walls/purple carpet in our basement now!
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