Sunday, February 05, 2006

exciting things to come

I have just spent the majority of the weekend and really a few days before the weekend, planning and organizing for my new creative space. Over the years I have relegated my creative energy's to short intense bursts, usually carried out on my bed or at the dining room table - not the greatest places as both are used for other purposes at least once a day. So the time has come to have a space that I can leave "messy" and full of creative energy and clutter if I choose. It will be a work in progress as it is being carries out with minimal expense, but I am sure that I will love it and make it "mine" not matter how cheap - I love a good bargain anyways. Stay tuned for some photos when it is "done".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooh that sounds so nice...I can't wait to see it!