Well, I had a delightful day. Spent most of it with my fabulous cousin, reconnecting, chatting, drinking hot beverages and watching the little ones be little. Then home to prepare a yummy pasta dinner to have with my hubby who brought me one bright orange gerbera daisy and a silkscreened card created by someone at his work (image to come) - PERFECT! To top it all off the little miss fell asleep a little after 8 and didn't stire until 6:15 this morning, and after a quick nurse was asleep again until 7:30. Bliss, eight whole hours of uninteruppted sleep for Mama and Daddy! Here is a picture of her first experience on a swing, this is the very first moment! She loved it!
Too cute for words.

This is what she looked like after a few minutes of swinging - HAPPY MUCH?

1 comment:
Oh my goodness she is so adorable, she just keeps getting cuter! That must be such an amazing experience...the first time on a swing! Glad you had a great day yesterday!
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