This morning I found myself getting teary eyed while watching a Gospel choir on the morning news. Teary because I was moved, moved because I love the music and need it.... I think I am going to have to join a choir sooner than later and the more Gospel the better. There is something about gospel music that just "cleanses" everything (I do believe that is the point).
I have known this about myself for a long time, that I need music, but not in the way that a lot of people do, or experience I guess I should say. I don't have to have it on all the time, or go to tons of concerts or immerse myself in it, but it is in me everyday. I sing the mundane, hum incessantly and generally crave it for expression. I can't see myself getting to indulge this any time soon as I would need to do some serious juggling and then fork out a ton of cash for a sitter, but.....
.... halleluia and amen, I will let you know when I am belting out this little light of mine and I will invite you to watch me let it shine.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
You may have gathered.......
Life is a little consuming these days. That is not to say that there isn't time for anything, but I am clearly finding it difficult to find the time, inspiration and state of mind to sit down and contribute to the quickly dwindling entries here at Little Big Noise.
We are fine, Phil is working a lot and late, Eme is still fun and a joy to be with and can eat up and hour or two, packing it into what seems to be her hollow leg. I am finding that my jobs are demanding more of me, as is typical for this time of the year and by the time we are home, fed and watered, bathed and Eme is in bed, I am capable of planting myself on the couch, or in bed, and that is about it.
Phone calls seems to require too much energy, or perhaps more truthfully an attentiveness that I am incapable of - I will occasionally read, but again concentration is required so that I don't have to read the same few pages again the next time I manage to pick it up.
It sounds bleak after re-reading, but it is not. Eme and I are having a ball playing together at night and she is enjoyable to be around a watch, observe and soak up. I read a statistic that says the average adult laughs 15 times a day vs. a child that will laugh 400 time in a day. Eme is helping me to bring up my quotient and throw the the stats askew.
I don't have a pic to accompany - sorry they are few and far between these days. I am sure there is one, but that would require looking as one isn't springing to mind.
I will spring one on you when you least expect it.
We are fine, Phil is working a lot and late, Eme is still fun and a joy to be with and can eat up and hour or two, packing it into what seems to be her hollow leg. I am finding that my jobs are demanding more of me, as is typical for this time of the year and by the time we are home, fed and watered, bathed and Eme is in bed, I am capable of planting myself on the couch, or in bed, and that is about it.
Phone calls seems to require too much energy, or perhaps more truthfully an attentiveness that I am incapable of - I will occasionally read, but again concentration is required so that I don't have to read the same few pages again the next time I manage to pick it up.
It sounds bleak after re-reading, but it is not. Eme and I are having a ball playing together at night and she is enjoyable to be around a watch, observe and soak up. I read a statistic that says the average adult laughs 15 times a day vs. a child that will laugh 400 time in a day. Eme is helping me to bring up my quotient and throw the the stats askew.
I don't have a pic to accompany - sorry they are few and far between these days. I am sure there is one, but that would require looking as one isn't springing to mind.
I will spring one on you when you least expect it.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
The many faces...
It is amazing how working almost full time and having a husband who is working more than full time, can seriously cut into your blogging time, not to mention picture taking.
Eme has been not well these past few days, getting hit pretty hard with a nasty cold. We have affectionatly dubbed her the Snot Monster. She seems to be on the mend, but it is definately not fast enough for any of us.
Hallowe'en has past and our little cow girl had a blast. We had a hat, but it wasn't a big hit so we mostly went without. Cute none the less.
Trying on Daddy's shirt was quite entertaining. She can often be found trying on peoples things, purses, scarves, shoes, bras, panties - you name it whe wants to wear it.
I was going to say she is a little more like her Aunty Anna than me, but I now recall that I used to be one heck of a dress-er-up-er-er.

This is the Daddy side of her - striking a rather intimidating New Zealand style rugby pose. Very well played.

A rather sleepy Miss - in between parties she slept for a sound hour and 45 - in the car. And very peacefully I might add. Hoping to have some quality family time tomorrow and then back to the grind I suppose.
Love to all
Eme has been not well these past few days, getting hit pretty hard with a nasty cold. We have affectionatly dubbed her the Snot Monster. She seems to be on the mend, but it is definately not fast enough for any of us.
Hallowe'en has past and our little cow girl had a blast. We had a hat, but it wasn't a big hit so we mostly went without. Cute none the less.

I was going to say she is a little more like her Aunty Anna than me, but I now recall that I used to be one heck of a dress-er-up-er-er.

This is the Daddy side of her - striking a rather intimidating New Zealand style rugby pose. Very well played.

A rather sleepy Miss - in between parties she slept for a sound hour and 45 - in the car. And very peacefully I might add. Hoping to have some quality family time tomorrow and then back to the grind I suppose.

Friday, October 20, 2006
Phew, I have just spent way too much time pouring over other people's blogs and suddenly it dawned on me that despite the fact that I don't have thousands of subscribers, nor generate enough interest to get advertisers interested I do have a very loyal and precious following and you all deserve a post.
Much has happened since the last post, as things tend to do when multiple weeks pass by. We have gone and come from Tofino, Eme has changed yet again, Phil is working lots of nights and extra time, I remain in limbo with several things and juggling the others. We have had another gathering of the Knaughty Knitters (and this time my friend Jana was in attendance for the first time - she is calling it the Knit Spritzer!) and it all continues.....
I have been feeling the creative bug chomping at me, but usually at unfortunate times, so it is irritating - a little like a flea bite at the moment. I just keep scratching around it, hoping it will eventually go away. Not that I don't want to be crafty, but it is truthfully just one more thing to think about and I am not sure I have the room at the moment. I did enjoy starting a doll sweater for Eme's baby at knitting club and am happy that I am 2/3's complete, but fear it will wait a month for the other third.
I have embedded a few shots from Tofino, and we have more for your viewing pleasure on Flickr - which is not connected to the blog (sorry) and as I am technically challenged (despite the fact that I am teaching tech ed currently and attended a conference for the Computer Using Educators of BC {CUEBC} today) I am unable to do it so....
Try going here ,
I hope that works!

Just on the off chance that some big wig for a marketing company stumbles across my site and thinks that they can't go another minute without having these shots for their next add campaign, I am open to offers.
Until next time - and perhaps a perkier mood that is not clouded by a cold "hangover" and irritatingly stuffy nose...
hugs and kisses on the cheek (I wouldn't want any of you to catch this...)
Much has happened since the last post, as things tend to do when multiple weeks pass by. We have gone and come from Tofino, Eme has changed yet again, Phil is working lots of nights and extra time, I remain in limbo with several things and juggling the others. We have had another gathering of the Knaughty Knitters (and this time my friend Jana was in attendance for the first time - she is calling it the Knit Spritzer!) and it all continues.....
I have been feeling the creative bug chomping at me, but usually at unfortunate times, so it is irritating - a little like a flea bite at the moment. I just keep scratching around it, hoping it will eventually go away. Not that I don't want to be crafty, but it is truthfully just one more thing to think about and I am not sure I have the room at the moment. I did enjoy starting a doll sweater for Eme's baby at knitting club and am happy that I am 2/3's complete, but fear it will wait a month for the other third.
I have embedded a few shots from Tofino, and we have more for your viewing pleasure on Flickr - which is not connected to the blog (sorry) and as I am technically challenged (despite the fact that I am teaching tech ed currently and attended a conference for the Computer Using Educators of BC {CUEBC} today) I am unable to do it so....
Try going here ,
I hope that works!

Just on the off chance that some big wig for a marketing company stumbles across my site and thinks that they can't go another minute without having these shots for their next add campaign, I am open to offers.
Until next time - and perhaps a perkier mood that is not clouded by a cold "hangover" and irritatingly stuffy nose...
hugs and kisses on the cheek (I wouldn't want any of you to catch this...)
Friday, September 29, 2006
I thought it was time for a few new pics, and I actually have some so...

This is the little Miss being a little miss. In case you were wondering the stuff hanging off her waist at the back is a camisole and a bra - and we didn't help her put them on. She also made her way in to my closet and chose a very flashy pair of heels to finish off the outfit. One of her new favorite activities is to wear our shoes, and I mean she really puts them on and walks around.

Just a sweet shot of her after playing on our bed last Saturday morning. She and Daddy were playing hide and go seek in the covers.

A favorite of mine - getting caught red handed trying to grab some juice boxes left here by her cousins.

Eme "the Artiste" - she loves to draw and does some everyday at daycare. I gave her a golf pencil and an excercise book the other morning and she went to town. So great! Next is the easel and washable markers.
Last but not least.... thankfully a not too common occurance around here anymore. But when you wake up at 5:00 and it is already 8:30, and you are only 1, you want a nap!
In case I haven't mentioned it I now have two continuing jobs - at two schools. One is afternoons 5 days a week at a middle school (grades 6,7 & 8) teaching tech ed (basically perspective drawing and an simlified computer assisted drawing program) and the other is 3 mornings a week at an elementary school as a librarian. So both are great, although very different. Both staffs are amazing which makes it much easier. This will be great for this year and will also set me up nicely for next year... not to mention that it looks like my days of 5:30 am call outs are over. Yippee!
Love to all - I will try and post very shortly after the traditional Thanksgiving Long Beach weekend.
Happy Thanksgiving

This is the little Miss being a little miss. In case you were wondering the stuff hanging off her waist at the back is a camisole and a bra - and we didn't help her put them on. She also made her way in to my closet and chose a very flashy pair of heels to finish off the outfit. One of her new favorite activities is to wear our shoes, and I mean she really puts them on and walks around.

Just a sweet shot of her after playing on our bed last Saturday morning. She and Daddy were playing hide and go seek in the covers.

A favorite of mine - getting caught red handed trying to grab some juice boxes left here by her cousins.

Eme "the Artiste" - she loves to draw and does some everyday at daycare. I gave her a golf pencil and an excercise book the other morning and she went to town. So great! Next is the easel and washable markers.

In case I haven't mentioned it I now have two continuing jobs - at two schools. One is afternoons 5 days a week at a middle school (grades 6,7 & 8) teaching tech ed (basically perspective drawing and an simlified computer assisted drawing program) and the other is 3 mornings a week at an elementary school as a librarian. So both are great, although very different. Both staffs are amazing which makes it much easier. This will be great for this year and will also set me up nicely for next year... not to mention that it looks like my days of 5:30 am call outs are over. Yippee!
Love to all - I will try and post very shortly after the traditional Thanksgiving Long Beach weekend.
Happy Thanksgiving
Friday, September 22, 2006
Onward and upward...
It is not easy it seems for me to have new photos for you to enjoy. First off, I loathe to mention that I am spending far less time with my dear sweet one than before and secondly the pictures I have been taking lately are on film and although I am getting them on CD also, so that I can show you, I have had to go back to the processor 3 times now for dust spots and so the CD's go back too.
SO... other things that are mentionable. I have a job; two jobs actually. Silly me for thinking I wasn't going to get work - as it is lately it is too many job offers that is causing me the stress. So I am working 5 afternoons in a middle school, teaching perspective drawing and a computer drafting program, and 3 mornings a week are spent at an elementary school down the road as a librarian. The whole thing is rather convenient actually, as my home, daycare and jobs are all within 5 square kilometers. They actually literally make a square.
So I am doing a little something new and a little something old - both in new places. The staff at both schools are great so... it should be a nice year. Now if I could just figure out when to fit in the excercise and other Mommy times for mental sanity.
Eme is doing well; better everyday with her daycare. Julie (her daycare provider) is great and so are her 3 girls (6, 9, and 11) and they all love Eme (of course). This helps me in eleviating some of the guilt that I suffer from, but in my heart know is neccessary for us at the moment in order to do right for our family in the long run.
Phil put in it well the other day when we were having yet another conversation about our choices and how we are doing. He said if we can help our kids when they are in our position; be debt free from school, offer free daycare, take the kids overnight, be a support and generally do what parents and grandparents do to help their kids get off to a good start it will all be worth it.
We can make the choices we have to now, and spend every moment possible just being together and in the end we will build a support system that will be unbreakable. So... that is the goal - onward and upward and lots of snuggles along the way.
SO... other things that are mentionable. I have a job; two jobs actually. Silly me for thinking I wasn't going to get work - as it is lately it is too many job offers that is causing me the stress. So I am working 5 afternoons in a middle school, teaching perspective drawing and a computer drafting program, and 3 mornings a week are spent at an elementary school down the road as a librarian. The whole thing is rather convenient actually, as my home, daycare and jobs are all within 5 square kilometers. They actually literally make a square.
So I am doing a little something new and a little something old - both in new places. The staff at both schools are great so... it should be a nice year. Now if I could just figure out when to fit in the excercise and other Mommy times for mental sanity.
Eme is doing well; better everyday with her daycare. Julie (her daycare provider) is great and so are her 3 girls (6, 9, and 11) and they all love Eme (of course). This helps me in eleviating some of the guilt that I suffer from, but in my heart know is neccessary for us at the moment in order to do right for our family in the long run.
Phil put in it well the other day when we were having yet another conversation about our choices and how we are doing. He said if we can help our kids when they are in our position; be debt free from school, offer free daycare, take the kids overnight, be a support and generally do what parents and grandparents do to help their kids get off to a good start it will all be worth it.
We can make the choices we have to now, and spend every moment possible just being together and in the end we will build a support system that will be unbreakable. So... that is the goal - onward and upward and lots of snuggles along the way.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Yikes - time flies
This will be brief and I fear that no picture will be attached at this time, but I wanted to let you all know that we are still here. Life has been really frenetic around here lately. Eme started daycare and I started work on the first day of school. This was not expected at all so the time I would have normally spent getting myself geared up for this was spent wondering when I might actually get a call to a school. Instead the phone rang on Monday night and I was in a job on Tuesday morning and have been ever since. It is afternoons at a middle school, which doesn't sound like much, but when everything has changed it is alot to come up with a program when you find out Monday what you are supposed to start teaching on Tuesday.
Beyond that I have been trying to wrap my head around the fact that there are 3 other postings that I may have a shot at and am trying to figure out how that will work into the life plan.
Eme is doing pretty well at daycare so far, each day seems a little easier for her (but not for me yet...)
I will try and post some of the pictures from her first birthday party which was nice.. she did very well for having 30 people in her house, and eating her first cupcake ever, and even mamaged to unwrap her presents with a little help.
Hope you are all well and getting some of this last bit of sunshine in the bloodstream - enough to last the winter.
Looking forward to visits sooner than later if at all possible.
Who am I kidding I can't not have a picture of her cuteness..... more to come hopefully within a reasonable time frame.

Beyond that I have been trying to wrap my head around the fact that there are 3 other postings that I may have a shot at and am trying to figure out how that will work into the life plan.
Eme is doing pretty well at daycare so far, each day seems a little easier for her (but not for me yet...)
I will try and post some of the pictures from her first birthday party which was nice.. she did very well for having 30 people in her house, and eating her first cupcake ever, and even mamaged to unwrap her presents with a little help.
Hope you are all well and getting some of this last bit of sunshine in the bloodstream - enough to last the winter.
Looking forward to visits sooner than later if at all possible.
Who am I kidding I can't not have a picture of her cuteness..... more to come hopefully within a reasonable time frame.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Emelia Jean is ONE!
Well it seems like ages ago that my little sweet pea was in here still... she is one and I can't believe it! Where does the time go and how does one manage to slow it down because it has only been a year and I am already feeling like it is flying by too fast.
So just for my sake I have made a few collages of some of her moments over the last year, and I have to say it was ridiculous trying to choose from the near thousand images we have of her digitally. I have so many darling ones of her on film too, but those will have to be seen in person.
My wee little 9lb 15oz. babe. Despite her size she was still tiny and precious and fragile, and although I loved her from the moment I met her I love her more now, and still more tomorrow.
She is a doll, so clever and bright and funny, so thoughtful and polite, and even though she, like all of us, get's cranky now and then she is a very content child.
It is amazing to me how much she has changed in her appearance. Bouncing back and forth between looking like Mom or Dad, then just like herself. We still aren't sure what colour her eyes are, but whatever colour they are, they are amazing. Blue, green, grey and hazel.
I love her still mostly toothless grin and her boundless charisma, her zest for new things, and willingness to try whatever strange and healthy food I put in front of her, but still be normal and love everything just a little more with ketchup. I sometimes can't believe that when I say, that's all she actually gets it and doesn't complain (I'm sure that won't last but I love it now..), how she uses please and thank you, and will usually comply with simple requests, yet is still just defiant enough to test the boundaries.
All of these things and a zillion more make being the Mama of this one year old darling a pretty good gig. Love and kisses to you Miss Eme Jean on your first birthday, Mama is going to go and cry now....

My wee little 9lb 15oz. babe. Despite her size she was still tiny and precious and fragile, and although I loved her from the moment I met her I love her more now, and still more tomorrow.
She is a doll, so clever and bright and funny, so thoughtful and polite, and even though she, like all of us, get's cranky now and then she is a very content child.

Sunday, August 13, 2006
rasta baby!
Eme is as funny as ever. Recently her new trick is to put my funky hand knit tea cozy on her head like a hat. Rasta Mon! She is growing as much as ever and keeping us on our toes with daily changes. Still only 2 teeth though.

She is also full of kisses, and not just when you ask her. She will pucker up at a moments notice and thrust her little pursed lips in your general direction looking for a smooch. It has got to be the cutest thing ever. I don't know anyone who would get tired of that game.
She is fast approaching the one year land mark and is turning into the discerning toddler. One day she only wants yogurt or toast and fruit, and then just when you think she won't eat another truly nutritious meal, she will surprise you (like last night) by eating (get ready for it....) macaroni and cheese, brocolli, chard, carrots, zuchinni, roasted potatoes, lamb, and watermelon. Wow!

Like any responsible parent I left her alone in the kitchen this morning while I put something away in the bedroom, and when I cam out I panicked initially because I couldn't see her..... this is where she was. Sitting in the cupboard beside the computer, that was left open when the reycling was taken out. She just thought this was great, so many new things to explore.
Another lesson learned.
On another subject, but very closely related to Emelia Jean - Phil and I celebrated our 6th year anniversary yesterday. We managed to get a date in today, courtesy of Aunty Anna and Grampa who babysat for us. What did we do? you ask. We hiked the GROUSE GRIND. Yes who read that right we voluntarily hiked up 1 vertical kilometer, and let me tell you it was a very long KM. I managed it in 1 hour and 16 minutes and Phil in 1 hour and 8 minutes (but only because he walked with me until the last 1/4 km - his usual is around 50 mins.) After this calorie burner we quickly showered at a friends and went to a brew pub to eat it all back again. I tell you nothing tastes as good as bad food after a good work out. We finished the afternoon by sharing a double chocolate cookie and a triple americano from Whole Foods. HEAVEN. It doesn't sound too fancy, but this was what I call a good time. We both felt very happy and grateful at the end of our time out and were welcomed home with snuggles and kisses from a certain someone we love dearly.
That is about it for now, although I am sure if I really think about it I could probably write a whole lot more, but alas it is getting close to shut down for me. So I will leave something for next time.....

XOXOXO - from all of us (just imagine them a little wetter from Em's)OXOXOX

She is also full of kisses, and not just when you ask her. She will pucker up at a moments notice and thrust her little pursed lips in your general direction looking for a smooch. It has got to be the cutest thing ever. I don't know anyone who would get tired of that game.
She is fast approaching the one year land mark and is turning into the discerning toddler. One day she only wants yogurt or toast and fruit, and then just when you think she won't eat another truly nutritious meal, she will surprise you (like last night) by eating (get ready for it....) macaroni and cheese, brocolli, chard, carrots, zuchinni, roasted potatoes, lamb, and watermelon. Wow!

Like any responsible parent I left her alone in the kitchen this morning while I put something away in the bedroom, and when I cam out I panicked initially because I couldn't see her..... this is where she was. Sitting in the cupboard beside the computer, that was left open when the reycling was taken out. She just thought this was great, so many new things to explore.
Another lesson learned.

That is about it for now, although I am sure if I really think about it I could probably write a whole lot more, but alas it is getting close to shut down for me. So I will leave something for next time.....

XOXOXO - from all of us (just imagine them a little wetter from Em's)OXOXOX
Thursday, August 03, 2006
First time at the Aquarium
Well , this past Monday Eme and I, and 2 other friends and their daughters, went to the Aquarium for the first time. We all had a great time. Amazing how three 11 month old girls could be entertained without so much as a fuss for the better part of 3 hours. We saw the Dolphin show from down below and the Belugas from above. Their eyes were so wide! I think Eme's favorite tank was the tropical fish tank. It is a little smaller and the fish are abundant and so colourful, and they swim right up close to the glass. The giant amazon fish did this also, but they are twice the size of Eme and very dark and scary looking and she did not like this at all.
This is Eme and Sydney being mesmerized by the Belugas, this was after the show and the belugas were doing laps, so they swam by over and over again. The girls loved it.
Tove is in the mix here too, plus Jana's head on the side.
And here is Eme at the dolphins. These guys were so fun to watch under water because they come shooting down after they leap and scoot around so fast gaining momentum for their next trick. Awesome.
Can't wait until next time.
This weekend we are having Phil's side of the family over for a gathering. There will be 14 people sleeping in our house on Saturday night as far as I am counting. Phew! If should be fun though. I will keep you posted after the event!

Can't wait until next time.
This weekend we are having Phil's side of the family over for a gathering. There will be 14 people sleeping in our house on Saturday night as far as I am counting. Phew! If should be fun though. I will keep you posted after the event!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
a pretty big nut, but....
We are back from the wedding on Powell River, up the Sunshine Coast. It is definately a mill town, but is actually quite beautiful in its surroindings. Lots of clear water looking over Texada, and Savary Islands to name a few. It was absolutely scorching hot all of the days we were there, and as we had reserved at the "Old Courthouse Inn" there was no air conditioning - only a fan to blow the warm air around. Never the less we had a great time.
We arrived Friday around 2, in time to check in and unpack a bit, wipe down and re dress for the rehearsal dinner at 4. The ceremony and rehersal and rehersal dinner were held at Sarah's (the bride) Mom's house. Marnia and Ed's place is in Malaspina and is perched over the water with a magnificent view and lush gorgeous gardens where the ceremnony was held. Here is the crew waiting for Sarah to come down - more photos to come later.....

After much precision and practice about 20 of us headed down the steep stairs to the water and swam and drank and had an amazing dinner put on for us. We were very lucky to be a part of that. Eme really enjoyed the water with her Dad, it was suprisingly warm and delightful. And of course Eme was a dream, no fussing, lots of laughs and good eating. Such a good girl.
Saturday was the wedding and because Phil was in the wedding party he was gone most of the day. We managed to sneak in a nice breakfast as a family (Eme was up nice and early both days - 6 ish with the sun) What a great treat to start the day. We had a breakfast wrap and coffee at a cute little cafe called River City and managed to run into the bride and her mom who had already been at the hall and were getting muffins for the masses back at the house, and it was only 8 o'clock. Yikes - oh happy wedding days.
Phil headed off with the boys at 10 ish and I managed to get a quick last minute shop in while Eme was napping and before Phil left (amazing what you can do when you are up at the crack of dawn). And for those of you who care I did get a new bathing suit to relpace my old black sturdy racer and this one is colourful and pretty! Who knew PR would be the place to get a new suit.
Now for the pictures.... below is Eme playing on the slide at the park while we were passing a little time before getting ready for the ceremony. She had a blast on the playground, sliding, swinging and of course eating dirt. What a face!

Here she is getting aquainted with the finer things in my toiletry bag, plus the TV remote to boot.

I have shots of the wedding on a disc that I will show soon.
We headed home first thing on Sunday as we didn't make a reservation initially and when we tried on Friday there were none to be had so... we were on the 9:30 from Earls Cove to Saltery Bay and then headed down the coast to Langdale for the 12:50. Unfortunatley the River City was closed on Sundays (go figure... I guess everyone stays home on a Sunday in PR) so we hit up the A&W with the local seniors and a few mill workers and had a bacon and egger and some of the worst coffee ever. We counter acted this with a pit stop at Wheatberries in Sechelt for a real cuppa and a muffin, hmmm hmmm good.
We hit the ferry terminal by 11:50 so headed up for a quick hello to Gram who is but a short 5 minutes from the terminal - nice to say hello, see John and Jenn and Mitchell and Cassidy, plus more and sneak a little cottage cheese and fruit for Eme.
We high tailed it back to the terminal and just made it on, PHEW! Home by 3 ish and in the pool by 3:30 - a perfect end to a hot day. Mom and Anna were here to greet us and then we had a great prawn salad for sups. AHHH
So in a nut shell that was the weekend.... a pretty big nut, but....more to come...later
We arrived Friday around 2, in time to check in and unpack a bit, wipe down and re dress for the rehearsal dinner at 4. The ceremony and rehersal and rehersal dinner were held at Sarah's (the bride) Mom's house. Marnia and Ed's place is in Malaspina and is perched over the water with a magnificent view and lush gorgeous gardens where the ceremnony was held. Here is the crew waiting for Sarah to come down - more photos to come later.....

After much precision and practice about 20 of us headed down the steep stairs to the water and swam and drank and had an amazing dinner put on for us. We were very lucky to be a part of that. Eme really enjoyed the water with her Dad, it was suprisingly warm and delightful. And of course Eme was a dream, no fussing, lots of laughs and good eating. Such a good girl.
Saturday was the wedding and because Phil was in the wedding party he was gone most of the day. We managed to sneak in a nice breakfast as a family (Eme was up nice and early both days - 6 ish with the sun) What a great treat to start the day. We had a breakfast wrap and coffee at a cute little cafe called River City and managed to run into the bride and her mom who had already been at the hall and were getting muffins for the masses back at the house, and it was only 8 o'clock. Yikes - oh happy wedding days.
Phil headed off with the boys at 10 ish and I managed to get a quick last minute shop in while Eme was napping and before Phil left (amazing what you can do when you are up at the crack of dawn). And for those of you who care I did get a new bathing suit to relpace my old black sturdy racer and this one is colourful and pretty! Who knew PR would be the place to get a new suit.
Now for the pictures.... below is Eme playing on the slide at the park while we were passing a little time before getting ready for the ceremony. She had a blast on the playground, sliding, swinging and of course eating dirt. What a face!

I have shots of the wedding on a disc that I will show soon.
We headed home first thing on Sunday as we didn't make a reservation initially and when we tried on Friday there were none to be had so... we were on the 9:30 from Earls Cove to Saltery Bay and then headed down the coast to Langdale for the 12:50. Unfortunatley the River City was closed on Sundays (go figure... I guess everyone stays home on a Sunday in PR) so we hit up the A&W with the local seniors and a few mill workers and had a bacon and egger and some of the worst coffee ever. We counter acted this with a pit stop at Wheatberries in Sechelt for a real cuppa and a muffin, hmmm hmmm good.
We hit the ferry terminal by 11:50 so headed up for a quick hello to Gram who is but a short 5 minutes from the terminal - nice to say hello, see John and Jenn and Mitchell and Cassidy, plus more and sneak a little cottage cheese and fruit for Eme.
We high tailed it back to the terminal and just made it on, PHEW! Home by 3 ish and in the pool by 3:30 - a perfect end to a hot day. Mom and Anna were here to greet us and then we had a great prawn salad for sups. AHHH
So in a nut shell that was the weekend.... a pretty big nut, but....more to come...later
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
First time at the beach
Well, it was Eme's first time at the beach today and she loved it. She sat in the sand for close to an hour and played with a margarine tub and a plastic spoon. So much fun. We were up the Sunshine Coast to visit Grannie, Gram, Poppa, Aunty Jen and Cousin Cassidy and Great Aunty Pop too. It was quite the luncheon and we (Mom and Eme and I) were also blessed with an hour of Uncle John to boot.
It was very hard to get her to look at me, she was so enthralled, this was as close as it got. I was meant to have a shot of Eme in the water also, but I think something happened to those shots so, next time...
Here is Cassidy enjoying the surf. She was great, helping with Eme all day, practicing her "babysitting skills" and excelling at it!
Looking forward to next time gang!

Looking forward to next time gang!
Monday, July 10, 2006
A tie over!
It has been far too long, but what can I say...summer weather is here, Eme is having shorter naps and my evenings are spent watering. I know there are plenty of bloggers out there that have all of this and more and still manage to post almost every day, but alas I am not one.
Eme is almost walking. She pulls up on everything and nothing, holds her balance moving up and down and has attempted a step or two, but is very leary. If she would just forget that she hasn't tried it, she would do it I am sure.
I regret to say that it will probably be as long or longer before my next post. We have a family gathering this weekend, a wedding next weekend and then a break I think. There will be lots to report, and I will surely take a few pics along the way. Lately I have been taking more shots with my Canon EOS, I love film. It does make it harder to share, perhaps next time I will get them on a CD as well.
A few pics of the little lady to tie you over, although I fear many of you have already seen them.
No birthday shots for me, sorry! There are two and they are both on happy days ahead. Love to all! XOX

Eme is almost walking. She pulls up on everything and nothing, holds her balance moving up and down and has attempted a step or two, but is very leary. If she would just forget that she hasn't tried it, she would do it I am sure.
I regret to say that it will probably be as long or longer before my next post. We have a family gathering this weekend, a wedding next weekend and then a break I think. There will be lots to report, and I will surely take a few pics along the way. Lately I have been taking more shots with my Canon EOS, I love film. It does make it harder to share, perhaps next time I will get them on a CD as well.
A few pics of the little lady to tie you over, although I fear many of you have already seen them.
No birthday shots for me, sorry! There are two and they are both on happy days ahead. Love to all! XOX

Look at this face!!! Couldn't you just eat it up?!

Monday, June 26, 2006
Bumper crop!
Well this little bowl of perfectly formed raspberries got me excited just a few days ago. I told Eme that I must love her a lot, because I gave most of them to her little mouth to try for the first time. What could be better than Grampa raspberries!?
I just got in from the garden tonight and it took me a little longer this time to get all of the ripe berries. Now I am really excited! I know the picture sucks, with the flash it was a blow out and without it is a bit blurry but you get the idea. It is about 2/3rds of a med sized bowl. Maybe 2 full pints worth and there are more coming! I didn't even cheat and pick the almost ripe ones too, just the really ripe ones. Look out mouth here they come!

Friday, June 16, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Am I too late?
Friday, June 09, 2006
Houston, I think we have a problem.......
I have always known that a thrift store can be a dangerous and tricky place, however I have never had this much trouble getting out alive. In the last week I have managed to rack up quite the collection of new things, mostly in the way of fabric, and some other unneccessary, but desired items. And so as therapy (in an effort to rid myself of some of the guilt) I thought I best share it with you. So here are samplings of what I have spent my money on lately.....
The fabric on the left is bright and fun and there is lots of it, middle is a pillow case I couldn't resist and on the right a fab table cloth in mint condition.
These are all pillow cases. The one on the left I am imagining as a dress for Eme and the middle and right are going on the bed down stairs.
On the left is a twin size vintage flat sheet in heavy cotton that will hopefully become a duvet cover for Eme's toddler bed (I know, I know...) the middle is also a sheet for the same bed and I got 2 matching pillow cases, and the right are pillow cases that I can see turning in to one of the fabulous pieces for a patchwork log cabin pillow a la a Bird in the Hand .
Left is a pillow case ( I know, but there were so many exceptionally nice pillow cases...), the middle in an apron and the right is an old curtain, with some parts lovely and faded and others rich and clear.
This is 3 yards of the wackiest fabric you have ever seen, and I am going to try a bleach some of it to see how it looks "aged" - and you may just see it in a prominent place in my home some time soon....
And who could resist this Holly Hobby, ahh this is a childhood memory in a bed sheet.
And now for the enamel ware that I couldn't pass up. Above is a mug with a lid, but it is the size of a canister, very cool.
Three shallow bowls that I had to have...
And a serving tray that is about 24 inches across in celadon green.
This 3 piece spanish childrens set was a no brainer, such a fun gift (if it makes it that far).
And finally a little taste of something I have been working on....... I actually have 3 canvases on the go and a water color....WOW look out!

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